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Mid-High Week 3 Reminders

Monday, July 9th, 2018

Hello, Mid-High Families,

Just a few updates and reminders for Week #3!

Our Penny Drive (competition between Elementary and Mid-High) has begun! If your student has spare coins or cash to bring in, encourage them to do so. Perhaps you can even talk them into doing some chores to earn more ;-) All proceeds go directly to the Program!

o We will have one collection for Elementary, and one collection for Mid-High. Donated pennies will be counted as "positive" points towards the session in which they are enrolled. However, any silver (nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, etc.) or cash can be used to put into the opposing session's collection to make their points NEGATIVE!

o The winning team will win a prize at the end of the summer, the plans for which are still underway!

We have finalized a date for our Aubree’s Fundraiser! It will be Tuesday, July 24th, from 5:00-9:00PM.

o Fundraising proceeds apply to the buffet only. Buffet includes bottomless salad, pizza, breadsticks, and a drink. The cost is $15, and $5 of each order will come right back to the program!

o Flyers for this event will be available soon. We will email it out, post it on our website, and include paper copies for the students to bring home.

o Please be sure to bring a hard copy of this flyer to notify the staff at Aubree’s that you are participating in the fundraiser! Encourage family, friends, and neighbors to join!

We have also finalized a date for our car wash! It will be Saturday, July 28th, from 10:00AM-1:00PM in the Dairy Queen parking lot. This event will be run by staff, high school volunteers, and some ninth grade participants. Your student does not need to attend as a helper—but bring your car up for a wash and visit! Washes are paid for with a donation of your choice. 

  • Scripts will be passed out this week! Our staff has been working hard to have them completed by Tuesday morning. Please remind your student during this time that not everyone will get a “lead role”, and that this is perfectly okay!. Our staff do their very best to cast everyone in roles that they think students will excel at, and building confidence is very important to us. Every member of the cast is important to the story! Please also remind them to bring their scripts every day and work on line memorization at home. 

  • Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night. You may bring these items in at any time!

We will be searching for parents to help with asking for donations from local businesses (most businesses have worked with us in the past and look forward to participating). Please let us know if you’d be interested in lending a hand in this task. Thank you to those who have reached out already!

  • If you would like to volunteer in any way, please let us know! We are asking for parents to help visit businesses in the South Lyon Area, and sell Tricky Tray tickets on performance nights. We would love and appreciate any help you are able to provide, and your dedication contributes to the longevity of our program!

  • If you know of any additional fundraising opportunities, please let us know!


  • Penny Drive: Current and ongoing until Week #5

  • Aubree’s Fundraiser: Tuesday, July 24th, 5:00-9:00PM

  • Car Wash Fundraiser: Saturday, July 28th, 10:00AM-1:00PM

  • August 2nd: No program for Middle School ("Mid-High"). This is our Elementary performance day. You are more than welcome to join us at 7:00PM! Admission is free.

  • August 3rd: Dress rehearsal will be held from 9:30AM-1:00PM. Students are required to pack their own lunch for dress rehearsal. Please remind them that they are not allowed to leave campus or order delivery on this day, as the staff will be working on notes with them during lunch.

  • August 3rd: Our final performance will be held at 7:00PM. Admission is free for all patrons. Please note that students will be asked to arrive early in order to prepare for their shows. This typically means between 6:30-6:45. We will keep you apprised with an exact time as we get closer.

Thank you once more for everything you’ve done to help our program grow!

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South Lyon Area Youth Assistance

1000 N. Lafayette

South Lyon, MI  48178


Begin: Monday, June 24th, 2024

End: Thursday, August 1st (ELEMENTARY)

End: Friday, August 2nd (MID-HIGH)



Youth Assistance and Summer Enrichment are nonprofit organizations, and benefit tremendously from community support.


Please add "Summer Enrichment" to note/memo section of payment page to ensure your donation is processed accordingly.


Thank you for your contribution!

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