Hello, Enrichment families!
Hello, everyone! It’s so hard to believe we are already in our final week. This summer has flown by. Thank you for making it such a success!
A few last-minute notes and reminders, and details about this week’s schedule:
Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night. You can continue to bring items throughout the week!
Please continue to have your student work on lines. The more they practice, the more confident they will feel on stage!
This newsletter is separated into the following categories:
Performance Playbills
Penny Drive Winners
Elementary Dress Rehearsal and Performance
Mid-High Dress Rehearsal and Performance
Dropoff and Pickup
Important Dates
Important Links
Important Names
Thank you!
You should have gotten a small note home last week from your student’s directors regarding the costumes for their shows! If they have not gotten their items approved by staff yet, please bring them in on Monday.
The only other segment they will need costumes for is Dance!
Elementary: Mint Green Summer Enrichment t-shirts handed out this year and whatever bottoms are comfortable to dance in. Please also have them wear tennis shoes or safe close-toed shoes.
Mid-High: Gold Summer Enrichment t-shirts handed out this year and whatever bottoms are comfortable to dance in. Note: a variety of fun/colorful shoes would be great, but only if your child feels comfortable dancing in them! We invite your discretion to make the best choice for your student!
In order to save on paper waste this year, we have chosen not to print out paper playbills/programs of cast lists. Instead, we have created digital playbills that will be accessible via QR code. In order to do this, you just need to scan the barcode with the camera on your smart device to open the file. That’s it! There will be multiple flyers with this code throughout the performance area on Thursday and Friday. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask.
I will also post the PDF files onto our website by Wednesday evening.
Elementary won the Penny Drive! Students got to paint/decorate t-shirts on 7/25 for staff to wear Monday 7/29!
Thursday, August 1st (Reminder: Mid-High does not meet this day)
Elementary students will participate in a dress rehearsal during their normal session hours on Thursday, 10:00-12:00. Please bring them already in costume. They can report directly to their classrooms.
Elementary students and classroom volunteers should report back to the school and their classrooms at 6:40 to prepare for their shows. Again, they should arrive in costume.
Performance will begin in the Dolsen Elementary Gymtorium at 7:00PM. You can park in the main parking lot at the main entrance of the building. Admission is free! Invite family and friends.
Friday, August 2nd
There is no program for Middle School on Thursday, August 1st. That day is dedicated to our Elementary performance. You and your student(s) are more than welcome to come watch the elementary kids perform at 7:00PM!
Students will have a dress rehearsal the morning of August 2nd, from 9:30AM-1:00PM. Please have them arrive in their first costume and ready to roll. They should report to their “group spaces” or “holding tanks” when they arrive. These meeting places are as follows:
Group A ("Whodunnit"): The Indigo Classroom (Art Room)
Group B ("Whose Play is it Anyway?"): The Pink Classroom (C6)
Group C ("My Sweet Melissa"): The Green Classroom (C5)
Lunch must be packed for dress rehearsal. Students will not be allowed to leave campus or order in for lunch that day, as it will be a “working” lunch and time is limited.
Students should report back to the school at 6:40 to prepare for their performance. Once more, they should report to their group space in their first costume.
Performance will begin in the Dolsen Elementary Gymtorium at 7:00PM. You can park in the main parking lot at the main entrance of the building. Admission is free! Invite family and friends.
The gymnasium seating is provided by the Dolsen Elementary School building. These chairs largely consist of folding-type. If you would like to bring your own camping chairs, they will need to be placed in the back of the gym. Please also email me to make a reservation before Wednesday, 7/31 if you would like to bring your own chairs. We will only be able to accommodate a limited number of people in order to ensure there is enough room for everyone.
We ask you to please be mindful of our start/end times. Staff has responsibilities to attend to both before and after each session, including second jobs they must report to right at 4:00PM.
That said, we understand that it can be difficult to juggle overlapping schedules. If you have a standing conflict, please let us know so we can try to work something out that does not impede anyone else’s existing obligations.
We are a nonprofit organization, which means all profits go directly back into the program to fund our activities from one summer to the next. Your participation is important and appreciated!

Tricky Tray
Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night.
We will allow advance ticket sales in cash this week! Please let your students know that they may purchase tickets before and after their sessions. Prices are as follows:
· $0.50 per single ticket
· $10 per 25 ticket bundle
Remember, we will accept new prizes all week!
Monday, June 29th – Elementary Penny Drive Prize: Staff wears shirts students decorated on Thursday!
Monday, June 29th: Please have your student bring in their costume for approval from their directors!
Thursday, August 1st - Elementary Dress Rehearsal: No program for Middle School. Elementary dress rehearsal will take place 10:00AM-12:00PM. Please have your students arrive in costume and report to their classrooms.
Thursday, August 1st - Elementary Performance: The final performance will be held at 7:00PM in the Dolsen Elementary Gymtorium. Please use the main parking lot and main doors to enter the building. Students are asked to arrive and report to their assigned classrooms at 6:40, already in costume.
There is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun! But please also note that parking is more limited here, so carpooling where possible would be very helpful!
Thursday, August 1st – Tricky Tray Night 1: Join us after the show for our Tricky Tray raffle!
Friday, August 2nd - Mid-High Dress Rehearsal: Mid-High dress rehearsal will be held from 9:30AM-1:00PM. Please have your students arrive in their first costume and report to their holding tank classrooms (specified above). We will have a short lunch at 12:00, but we will not allow students to leave campus or order food that day as our time will be limited. Please have them pack a lunch.
Friday, August 2nd - Mid-High Performance: The final performance will be held at 7:00PM in the Dolsen Elementary Gymtorium. Please use the main parking lot and main doors to enter the building. Students are asked to arrive and report to their assigned classrooms at 6:40, already in costume.
There is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun! But please also note that parking is more limited here, so carpooling where possible would be very helpful!
Friday, August 2nd – Tricky Tray Night 2: Join us after the show for our Tricky Tray raffle!

You can read full staff bios on our website.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me (Marcie):
(734) 730-4441 (text preferred)
Thank you everyone for an amazing summer!