Hello, Enrichment families!
Here are your announcements and reminders for Week 3.
We are a nonprofit organization, which means all profits go directly back into the program to fund our activities from one summer to the next. Your participation is important and appreciated!
Car Wash
We raised over $500 from this fundraiser! Thank you so much for all of your support and participation!
Our Aubree’s fundraiser will take place on Wednesday, July 21st, 5:00-8:00. The event applies to the $15 buffet only. The buffet includes pizza, breadsticks, salads, and drinks. For every $15 buffet meal purchased, $5 will be donated directly to Summer Enrichment.
The management and wait staff at the restaurant require families to provide at least one paper copy of the flyer per bill to assist them in record-keeping. I am attaching the official Dine to Donate participation flyer at the end of this post.
Penny Drive
Due to staff working hard on scripts last week and it being a shorter week than usual, we did not get a chance to do another count yet. But as of the close of Week 1, Elementary is winning the Penny Drive!
Elementary’s Current Points: - $6.54
Mid-High’s Current Points: - $11.00
The final day of the Penny Drive will be Wednesday, 7/28. The winning team will receive their prize on Monday, 8/2. As of right now, we are planning for the prize to be throwing water balloons at staff!
Tricky Tray
Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night.
You can begin sending your students with these items at any time! We will collect through the final week.
We will be searching for parents to help with asking for donations from local businesses (most businesses have worked with us in the past and look forward to participating). Please let us know if you’d be interested in lending a hand in this task.
Scripts will be posted on our pick-up Google Drive no later than Tuesday, July 13th. I will send out email blasts as scripts become available Monday night, so please keep an eye out for these so you can download and print for Tuesday’s session!
Please have your student download and print the scripts they need for their corresponding session (note that Middle School volunteers should print their morning scripts too.) If your student does not know which shows they are in, you can view the cast list on the first page of each file.
We have also posted the lyrics for Mid-High sign language in the same Drive. We provide unmarked paper copies for them to refer to during lessons, but they may want to print their own highlighted copy to read from.
We will be posting all remaining lyrics early this week.
You can access the folder via this link.
The T-Shirt order is in! If your student has paid a registration fee, they will receive their program shirt free of any additional charge. Estimated turnaround for this order is Week 5.
If your Mid-High student volunteers in the Elementary classes, they have the option to purchase the second color for $5 (cash only). If they have not yet paid, please remember to send them with their money on Monday.
We ask you to please be mindful of our start/end times. Staff has responsibilities to attend to both before and after each session, including second jobs they must report to right at 4:00PM.
That said, we understand that it can be difficult to juggle overlapping schedules. If you have a standing conflict, please let us know so we can try to work something out that does not impede anyone else’s existing obligations.
Important Dates
Monday, July 12th & Tuesday, July 13th: Scripts go live to download/print on our Google Drive folder, which you can access here.
Wednesday, July 21st: Aubree’s Fundraiser 5:00PM-8:00PM
Thursday, August 5th - Elementary Performance: No program for Middle School. Elementary dress rehearsal will take place 10:00AM-12:00PM, and our final performance will be held at 7:00PM. Please note that students will be asked to arrive early in order to prepare for their shows. This typically means between 6:30-6:45. We will keep you apprised with an exact time as we get closer. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!
Friday, August 6th - Mid-High Performance: Mid-High dress rehearsal will be held from 9:30AM-1:00PM, and our final performance will be held at 7:00PM. Please note that students will be asked to arrive early in order to prepare for their shows. This typically means between 6:30-6:45. We will keep you apprised with an exact time as we get closer. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!
Important Links
Important Names
Jenny Cort - Program Coordinator (admin@slsummerenrichment.org)
Marcie Kryka - Program Director (director@slsummerenrichment.org)
Program Staff
Joey Abate (Elementary)
Ayana Ihara (Elementary)
Ben Machesky (Elementary & Mid-High; Theatre 101)
Grace Mosher (Mid-High; Music)
Ethan Ponsock (Elementary & Mid-High; Sign Language)
Cooper Schultz (Elementary & Mid-High; Theatre 101)
Miranda Stepchuk (Elementary & Mid-High; Dance)
Jake Werner (Elementary & Mid-High; Music)
Hannah Willett (Elementary & Mid-High; Music)
You can find more information about our amazing staff at the following links:
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at this address any time.
Thank you for your cooperation!
