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Final Week!

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

Hello, everyone! It’s so hard to believe we are already in our final week. This summer has flown by. Thank you for making it such a success!

A few last-minute notes and reminders, and details about this week’s schedule:

  • Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night. You can continue to bring items throughout the week!

  • Please continue to have your student work on lines. The more they practice, the more confident they will feel on stage!

  • The official winner of the Penny Wars was Elementary! As their reward, they got to choose some wacky outfits for staff to wear all day!

Elementary Dress Rehearsal & Performance

Thursday, August 1st

  • Elementary students will participate in a dress rehearsal during their normal session hours on Thursday, 10:00-12:00. Please bring them already in costume. They can report directly to their classrooms.

  • Elementary students and classroom volunteers should report back to the school and their classrooms at 6:40 to prepare for their shows. Again, they should arrive in costume.

  • Performance will begin in the SLHS auditorium at 7:00PM. Admission is free! Invite family and friends.  

Mid-High Dress Rehearsal and Performance

Friday, August 2nd

  • There is no program for Middle School on Thursday, August 1st. That day is dedicated to our Elementary performance. You and your student(s) are more than welcome to come watch the elementary kids perform at 7:00PM!

  • Students will have a dress rehearsal the morning of August 2nd, from 9:30AM-1:00PM. Please have them arrive in their first costume and ready to roll. They should report to their “group spaces” or “holding tanks” when they arrive. These meeting places are as follows:

  1. Chartreuse Emus (“Project Runway” and “Survivor”): Band Room

  2. Salmon Parrotfish (“The Roommate” and “Oddly Clothed and Afraid”): Girl’s Dressing Room

  3. Ultraviolet Bandicoots (“Finding Bigfoot” and “First Dates”): Boy’s Dressing Room

  • Lunch must be packed. Students will not be allowed to leave campus or order in for lunch that day, as it will be a “working” lunch. 

  • Students should report back to the school at 6:30 to prepare for their performance. Once more, they should report to their group space.

  • The performance begins at 7:00PM in the SLHS auditorium. Admission is free. Please bring your family and friends to join the fun!

Important Dates

Thursday, August 1st - Elementary Performance: No program for Middle School. Elementary dress rehearsal will take place 10:00AM-12:00PM (please have them arrive in costume), and our final performance will be held at 7:00PM. Students should report back to the school at 6:40 (also in costume) to prepare for their performances. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!

Friday, August 2nd - Mid-High Performance: Mid-High dress rehearsal will be held from 9:30AM-1:00PM (please have them arrive in their first costume, with their additional costumes in tow). Each group has a “holding tank” where they will meet and hang out until they go on stage. Please refer to the instructions above. Students are required to pack their own lunch for dress rehearsal. Please remind them that they are not allowed to leave campus or order delivery on this day, as the staff will be working on notes with them during lunch.  Our final performance will be held at 7:00PM. Students should report back to the school (also in costume) at 6:30, and should go directly to their group space. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!

Performance Nights: Tricky Tray raffle fundraiser!

Important Links

Important Names

Jenny Cort - Program Coordinator (

Marcie Kryka - Program Director (

Program Staff

Jack Barshaw

Eric DeBono

Nina Morales

Cooper Schultz

Abigail Smathers

Sydney Timmer

Ava Unti

Jake Werner

Thank you everyone for a fantastic summer, and we can’t wait to see you at the shows!

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Penny Drive

Elementary won the Penny Wars by $20! Tomorrow they will get to decorate t-shirts for the staff to wear Monday. Thank you all!



South Lyon Area Youth Assistance

1000 N. Lafayette

South Lyon, MI  48178


Begin: Monday, June 24th, 2024

End: Thursday, August 1st (ELEMENTARY)

End: Friday, August 2nd (MID-HIGH)



Youth Assistance and Summer Enrichment are nonprofit organizations, and benefit tremendously from community support.


Please add "Summer Enrichment" to note/memo section of payment page to ensure your donation is processed accordingly.


Thank you for your contribution!

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